Frontend Developer
Matias Valdez
Based in Buenos Aires

Who am I?

My name is Matias valdez,
a creative Frontend developer with
knowledge about backend.
Although my main focus as
developer is to provide to
the user the most interactive
and simpler experience.

My working tools:
React, Next JS, Typescrypt,
GraphQl, Apollo, Tailwind Css,
Styled Components, Node Js,
Postgresql and more.


About me

Lately, I've been focusing
on enhancing my skills
to become a better developer.
As a part of this effort,
I've recently embarked on a journey
to explore various career paths
that align with my goal.
I am delving into subjects like
design patterns, clean code,
testing, and more.
If you're interested in
following my progress,
you can do so by connecting
with me on GitHub or
LinkedIn, where I'll be sharing
updates about my journey.

My recent work

Writter app

Majorkey Rebranding

Instagram Post

Loudrop Store Ecommerce

Lets talk!

workin avatar

Get in touch

I am very approchable and
would love to speak with you.
Fell free to send me an email
contact me through my social media
or simply complete the enquiry form

Send me a message